Lombardo Construction Group has been trading for more than thirty years
in the construction and restoration market. Lombardo Construction has been always oriented towards the research and the innovation during design and construction phases with a precise care for details and quality control process.
The company is also able to offer to the client the know how in restoration, renovation and new built works for the required M/E services along with the statutory certification.
Our target is the full client satisfaction.
The construction process is based on three key elements: 1. Sensibility to technology innovation. 2. Close attention to the change and evolution of the construction materials especially the ones with an environment low foot print. 3. An accurate control of construction cost and time as required by the evolving construction market.Certificates: Lombardo Group works are certificated with quality system SINCERT .
Planning and design of each works is made by the best architects and designers to guarantee high aesthetic and construction standard. Since the beginning of the works we make sure we have an accurate survey, we prepare an accurate cost estimate and a precise schedule of works that allow us to plan construction administration in advance to deliver the works on time and on budget.
Our experience allow us to build new project in a total secure and safe environment with the help of modern construction technology and using the best builders. All the project of the Company are targeted to be low foot print with high energy efficiency to make every work a secure and durable investment.
Lombardo Group has a long time experience in the restoration and renovation works of the full building, interiors and high-end project. It is able to interpret client’s needs and to develop the best solution case by case. In this market, attention to quality, to construction time and details is the basic rule of the Lombardo Company. In addition, thanks to its high qualify builders and the help of skilled consultant and reliable subcontractor, Lombardo Company is a able to provide a wide maintenance and renovation service on every type of building.
Lombardo Constructions Group Ltd.
31 St. Clair's Road
Croydon (UK)
Email: info@lombardoconstructions.comPhone (Uk): +44 (0)7307023289 / +44 (0)7474313342Phone (Italy) :+39 3355419586 / +39 0687787102